Monday, October 5, 2009

Debt: Benoît Hamon did not understand!

Jacques Sapir did not appreciate the recent statements of Benedict Hamon on indebtedness of the state. The director of studies at EHESS, which has supported the Left Front in the European judges them "silly" and especially "incoherent". For the Benedict Hamon on this subject is not the same when he is spokesman of the Socialist Party and if they operate as leader of the current "One World Ahead"
Debt: Benoît Hamon did not understand!
The announcement by François Fillon a budget for 2010 with the record deficit of 8.5% of GDP has provoked many reactions. Jean-Pierre Raffarin and on Canal + Was this figure too high. He is in his traditional role and it astonishes people. By cons, statements of Benedict Hamon rigor to September 27 that France was "ruined" are much more surprising (1). They have been confirmed, but this is a little less surprising, with statements along the same direction of François Hollande.

Thus, the Socialists would be converted to fiscal restraint?

Coming after their conversion to liberal Europe, this would hardly be surprising if it did not introduce a dissonance in their major speeches. Let's face it: it is unlikely that the Socialists are gaining credibility in this argument, but they certainly lose one he could still hold, particularly Benoît Hamon, other arguments, such as industrial policy or protectionism European (2).

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